

Hello world, as a official pmqn representative i decided to be more focus! Have you ever said or thought of doing something to change the world but was indecisive about it? Well, I must admit i became like that. Unfocused, indecisive and inactive in some form or another but for the last day or two I decided this is life and I'm not trying to rewind my life. So yesterday I went to a interview at Northpoint Mall hesitating on should i turn back around or not, but as I got closer to the store whom was getting the interview from i started thinking " Have to start somewhere..... Do it for leon!" so i went and GOT the job! God is ...........Gooooooood! So starting today i say you and I don't look back and complain.... lets run forward........ Sorry PMQN leon was gone for a minute but he's BAAACK!


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