
two nights later.

Numbers 41 through 50!

Was Thursday my night?
I dunno.
I know i had a good time
I know Atlanta never has a dull moment for me

I know alot happened that night
Thanks Drealle
Sometimes things just happen,
or you meet ppl that make you appreciate just
what it is that you do.

Im good now.

.rhayne a. coleman


at the office: still

work work work.
nothing but...work.
trying to tie up some loose ends
as well as begin some new ones

Danity Kane: strip tease playing
im thinking Thursday will be my day
so does Madison, thanks

im in the office. [still on yim/aim]
another day without a lunch break
contact me.

From the Editors desk
.rhayne a. coleman



You right! (pointing my finger, not giving a fuxk!)
To Yall secret bloggin, secret bulletin writing, paint using ass niggas, STFU!
Fuxk you, ur strawberries, and your castle!
And I dont trust a bitxh shorter den me!

FACE TIME: Queen Kelly




You've been warned,
Madison Beaumont

p.s.EBP love correctin' folk!

::looks below::

lmfao no comment!

L M F A O ! ! ! part 1

who thought of this.

-by Diddy, Tams && Maxwell [&& Kro **]

at the office

busy busy busy.
im in the office. [&& on aim/yim]
getting a few things done.
speaking with a person or two.

it seems everyone is looking for that big break
everyone is looking to be known or discovered.
what makes you different or more deserving than the next?

dont think im taking a lunch today
contact me

From the Editors desk.
.rhayne a. coleman


Leon asks "It's Spring Isn't?"

Over this weekend me and the editor been observing Atlanta like never before! It was a great time from Little five to Lenox to North Point Mall! I know right! Instead of Spring cleaning we're Spring Shopping and YES i'm...LOVING every day of it!


Beatness with a S.O.N.E.

I think i'm in love! These 2 lovely ladies are a double threat. I had the pleasure of meeting these young sisters at Project X Fashion Show Rehearsal. Let me just tell you my eye was on them all night. I just had to share my experience with you guys. These girls have it all the friendlyness, the looks, the walk everything...I'm sure they will be taking over the model industry. Be looking out for these girls... If you don't believe that they're hot come be the judge by coming to Project X fashion show! more details coming soon. It's going to be hott i guarantee... kudos Project X!


Easter weekend in The Hills

...well PMqn went off in our seperate ways for this Holiday weekend

Kro; out and about with loved ones but never does she miss and opportunity to work, && to her i say "We'll get those questions as soon as you get back"

Madison; out living the American [EBP] dream. lol

Kelly; get into her UPDATE.

While Leon and i ran into some hard shopping and relaxing. We gave a relaxed 'The Hills' this weekend. lounging until the early afternoon, heading out hitting the stores hard, you might've seen us out this weekend =] in the midst of all this recreation && relaxing i often forgot to snapp pics [sorry] but be on the look out for more from Leon.

.rhayne a. coleman



\\//Fake Smaile?//\\

So the last week and a half has really been hard for me. Right about now im just trying to maintain and keep myself together. Basically Going thru, and just trying to take it one day at a time. Nobody really knows ALL of the reasons why im not completely at ease but honestly I dont feel like explaining. I dont feel like saying whats wrong and then later on its used against me. But im strong and I know all of this will just come to an end.
I had to get away from Metro for a while. Just to clear my head, and get grounded. I needed some inspiration to get me back on my feet. I've been doing alot of research and just taking care of some business. Some people just dont understand how much a person can go through in such a short time. Some people dont even know how blessed they are, and how to take advantage of all of their opportunities. But anywho....
Im just laxing thinking about Music and a couple of other unnamed characters. I miss him, and I just hope everything is ok with him.

Im my room with talking to my niece Chyrish Endurance. She's such a good listener.

She makes sure that she say "Uh huh, auntie" after I complete my story. I cant wait til they meet each other, im sure they will be the best of friends.
Cleaning up has been my favorite past time. Cleaning everything just to past the time.
Reading, writing and just doing anything positive that will keep my mind in a good place. My "blogging" glasses has def. been useful.
Thanx Kro, Des, And my niggas Leon & Rhayne for checking up on me. Im good I will most def. be home on Monday to do you know what.... I know that it will be fun. Being around my friends and just going being out doing things I love to do. I was supposed to go to the movies last night to see Meet the Browns but maybe next weekend. Me and Leon have been talking about going out for a while....but we just havent made any official plans. Anyday now we figure something out.

p.s. Madison you are soooooooo Boooorrrrriiiiiinnnnnggggggg! lol, you should come over next weekend so we could have another all night meeting.

-Kellz (the artist also known as Miss DeenSha Hen)
THe Sweetest Girl, now polished.



First Sunday Look on PM...boring

Texting Rhayne...boring.
Texting Ash...boring.
Texting Mari...boring.
Texting Leon...double boring with s0ne!

Watching Mtv...boring.
Lil Mama's slow talk...boring.
Ppl lying about moving to NY/the internships they receive...boring.
Chante not here...boring.
My parents...boring.

Life now...boring!

Lmao Rhayne pls give me the boring song! Dang!


So what did you EAT today Rhayne?!

Ha! (Regina voice from Steve Harvey) BAM! That's right friend...had our favorite ish today :) Felt kind of bad eating it without you.

Then I started watching Tyra coon ass. The episode where Ya-Ya disrespected the Japanese.

Ugh, by the time I was finish laughing at Ya-Ya's nonchalant behavior (with her BAD skin) the itis caught up to me.

Plus...I TOLD YOU HE WENT TO GA STATE! That's another...BAM!

Good Morning,

-last night: prjX practice-

Leon and i attended Project X modeling practice last night.

&& i must say we brought it in a s0ne

you'll remember Kelly Leon && i attending the initial modeling call for this Final Spring Show last month on the 19th [dont remember, click here]. Us not being official Clark students && no one walking the campus yesterday made it a lil confusing to find the gym [where practice was being held] when we finally made it there i enjoyed it.

[2 models stood out- giving handsome angela bassett...ii heart, but i'll let Leon tell you about that part]

seeing the hard work being put into this show [by both PrjX && the models] made me excited about the show; April 21st i believe. Dont quote me on that until i make a call or two and get the date from someone in charge.

Expect to see PMqn front in center or behind the scenes...hxll maybe even both.

.rhayne a. coleman


Taste good to be HOME!!

Well first of all Im on a diet but in the following picture i just had to let go. Feels good to eat some REAL food..lol I know you mad Jeremy..Ill bring you some back boo:)
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Love that crawfish
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My bestest about to to eat all of it! Slow down we only got 3 pounds
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Now this is my favorite..fried oyster.. the best!!!!

having fun at home, well eating is fun at home..Jenny Craig call me!!!because imma need some back up after this trip..lol

Extremely Cruel Naw just plain

-Sunday Night-

soul food


food fights

&& plans made

A Strangr's thought on a Race with Race

Placing a wrinkle in the brain on the current "issue" with Obama and this 2008 election. All I have to say is, "When keepin it real...goes wrong." So gon' head and run over to PM's LandF section but since I know you're probably lolly gaggin' with me...



Good Morning,



So its time for a change ladies and gentlemen!! Jill Scott is giving up her title, She is getting a perm.lol

So for sometime now ive been debating on what choice of hairstyle my heart truely desire. I thought about braides, micros, fake dreads, even thought about locking up my own hair.Ive been nature for 2 year and my hair is tired of being curly, it want to be straight again!! Plus i dont have the time to keep up with it. When i put different hairstyle in it, it takes hours....time i just dont have. Ive been neglecting my hair. Ive just been wetting it in the shower and going.lol Thats not healty..I care about my appearance, unlike some people walking around with dry edges...thats just not sanitary.lol(inside joke).Well Ive set my trend wit nature hair now its time to set another. So keep tabs on me boo..lol

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How cruel are you???
Cruelty OF Attraction


-Ugh, Mtv, UGH!-

even though i hate to admit that i even watch this show, this is why Status Quo is my favoritIST group, second to none. Jabba whoever they are are in a tie for second with the lil Asians that could....

stay tuned
[lil pap]

.rhayne a. coleman

this one's for chas

you'll be in d.c. in no time

.rhayne a. coleman

She's coming tonight so get that cocain ready

blush.lipstick.bowties.pumps.laces.shinny belts.&& mohawks

All ingredients for a lovely Sunday dinner.

see you at the dinning room table.

.rhayne a. coleman


ATL, is that you?? At least 27 people were hurt Friday night, no injuries are believed to be life-threatening

( Atlanta's Cabbage Town neighborhood -above)

(inside the omni hotel)
Outside the CNN Center in Atlanta after a severe storm blew through the area, injuring several people and damaged skyscrapers, hotels and two major sports arenas that were filled with thousands of pro and college basketball fans.

The Sweetest Girl, now Polished

A wondering star.

So yesterday seemed to be a ordinary day for me as I awoke to the sound of my television and to a text message. It read " are you up yet". As i rolled out of bed I replied " just did". We had planes that day to go check out some apartments. So I quickly got myself together and headed for the door to meet the crew down stairs. Walking into those apartments was beautiful they all filled with lush carpet and far views of the city. On our way back home is when my day went from ordinary to a calamity. It was raining on our way back and as we made our way to turn into the entrance of our apartment complex. The tires skied across the wet road. AWWwww! "Hell Naw"! Is what was going through my mind as we flew right onto the side walk. When we came to stop the pilot of this Camry air plane, came out to check her plane. Every thing was good except for the tire that was slowly becoming nothing more than a piece of rubber. So we rushed to the garage, and that was were it started...I headed up stairs to begin cleaning the leaving room that my room left infested with her junk. Starting at one and not completing until four. Scrubbing and cleaning every inch, I went to my room were was nothing less than the living room, but fell asleep shortly. My phone rang at 6:20, it was my boyfriend. He woke me so that i can continue my cleaning escapade. So I got straight to work, only to be interrupted by a visitor. I sat for about 30 minutes conversing and then I headed to Walmart. Not expecting to see a wondering star. I pulled a buggy out and strutted into the store and there he was "Chingy" himself, looking as flawless as ever.

Only down side was that i couldn't get a picture with the celeb because I was trying to be low key.


Tire Blues

So yesterday wasn't really a good day for me. Coming home from looking at the M street apartments it was raining really hard (We actually didn't even realize that it was a Tornado warning) and we were talking and I was in the process of eating my Crispy Snack rap (ranch) with bacon, turning into Metro and my car started to skid, and I ended up running on the median and busting up my tires. I could have caused an accident, and it could have been so much worse. All my passengers were all safe (Rhayne- with a minor head injury, sorry boo my Cammy didn't mean to punch you in the head, My uncle Leon-was ok, Kro- just a little shaken up). Drove into the parking garage safely to realize that it wasnt that bad as I thought. So I called my Daddy. I knew I would have to explain to him how the hell it happened. I explained myself, and he told me what to do in order to get my Cammy back on the road. I called my Bro and he said he would be over asap to fix it. Then I called Musix and told him what happened..... I thought it was sweet that he offered to fix my flat for me, such a Gentleman. Anywho.... So my tire is now fixed, so I'm good.

-The Sweetest Girl, now Polished-


a PMqn flashback

back when we were bright eyed and bushy tailed

photo courtesy of kelly && her random photos

.rhayne a. coleman


WTF: Who trying to play PM?!?!

Hold the hell...hold it. So as I was visiting my favorite site, www.kellytextingdizzy.com, again...I came across a pic and realized someone over there is really trying to play us...

The mcdonald eyebrows though? SMH. I see PM has haters as usual. Keep giving us online time, we love it hater. Hate on us haters.

Good morning,

-all the girls standing in the line w/ the groceries-


or as Leon puts it, everyone has a few ppl in them. && everyday someone will die..smh.

PMqn staff went grocery shopping today. An event among an event in itself. Laughter is the best medicine just ask Kro...Jokes were thrown everywhich way; there were countless celebrity look-a-likes [SMH]. There was even a lil Leon equipped with mohawk [pictured below] && Kelly, Ms. Kelly who always knows just what to say to make you lymfao.

*exhales* What a way to end a stressful day, in the company of friends.

.rhayne a. coleman