WARNING: Purchasing and subsequently listening to this album may cause numerous heart palpitations and a possible stroke.
It is that damn good.
N.E.R.D. has come a long way from their first two albums, it's almost as if they have evolved. Their new sounds still stick close to home with it mind evoking lyrics and raspy erotic undertones but the sound has become so much more than it was.
It's the future, it shows how much all of them have grown, changed and adapted to the new age.
But then again this IS Pharrell Williams we're talking about if there is anything that can remain eternally amazing and sellable it certainly is him.

June 10th ladies and gentleman.
If you don't hear from me after that date you know what happened.
- Cheryl
I fux with NERD.
Omfg!! hell yess!!!
NERD is the iiizhsssh!
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