

So its time for a change ladies and gentlemen!! Jill Scott is giving up her title, She is getting a perm.lol

So for sometime now ive been debating on what choice of hairstyle my heart truely desire. I thought about braides, micros, fake dreads, even thought about locking up my own hair.Ive been nature for 2 year and my hair is tired of being curly, it want to be straight again!! Plus i dont have the time to keep up with it. When i put different hairstyle in it, it takes hours....time i just dont have. Ive been neglecting my hair. Ive just been wetting it in the shower and going.lol Thats not healty..I care about my appearance, unlike some people walking around with dry edges...thats just not sanitary.lol(inside joke).Well Ive set my trend wit nature hair now its time to set another. So keep tabs on me boo..lol

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How cruel are you???
Cruelty OF Attraction

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